We all know that senior year can induce a lot of anxiety.

Soon-to-be-seniors are taking the SAT or ACT. They're bracing for their toughest high school classes. College applications are on the horizon. And sooner or later, the reality will start to hit home: life is about to change in a big way.

College applications can be just as stressful for parents -- even for the ones who have been through this before. There always seems to be so much noise and never enough quality information that's straightforward and reasonably easy to digest.

On top of that, college counseling centers at public high schools are understaffed and overwhelmed; they're doing the best they can with hundreds of students in their caseload each year. Private college consultants can cost an arm and a leg...while you're supposed to be saving money to cut that first tuition check.

And whether you're a parent or a college-bound student, there's just no escaping the pressure, the hype, and all the anxious chatter around college admissions. You're on information overload, pulled every which way by what you "SHOULD" and "SHOULDN'T" do.

As someone who works to provide guidance through this process, I've been asking myself these questions for years: could it be simpler? Clearer? Easier to follow?

Could there be a single, step-by-step approach to not only to finding the right college but for building an awesome application?

Imagine how it would feel next year after graduation knowing you'd looked at every option, you'd put forth your best self in your college applications, and that in the end, you had absolutely made the right choice about the school you're about to make a major investment in.

You need three things:

  • a solid strategy for the unique story only you can tell to colleges,
  • a purposeful plan for managing every task on your application to-do list,
  • and the tools that will help your family understand what colleges that are the right fit academically, socially, and financially.

That's what the CollegeAppRoadMap is all about. I want to share the six steps I have used to help dozens of families successfully navigate the college application process.

Come see what the six steps are all about -- grab your spot here.

